Fueled by a mysterious new drug, Celtic fairies and Teutonic elves battle for turf and power-with humans caught in the middle. As the body count rises, Connor Grey uncovers a vast conspiracy that threatens to destroy not only the city, but the...
In the alleys of the decrepit Boston neighborhood known as the Weird, fairy prostitutes are turning up dead. The crime scenes show signs of residual magic, but the Guild, which polices the fey, has more "important" crimes to investigate and dumps...
The money Lucia and her new partner received to open their detective agency had come with strings: any assignment delivered via read envelope had to be top priority. No sweat. No one could make Lucia do something she didn't believe in-Right? ...
Jazz Callender — don't ever call her Jasmine is an ex-cop with a goal: opening her own private detective agency and proving her former partner is innocent of murder. Too bad no one will lend her the money. Until a sexy lawyer with the devil's own...