This compelling series combines action and historical drama in fascinating tales of an American Tory who stumbles into the dark world of the vampire. Completely revised and expanded, each of these new editions includes more than 40 pages of new...
View our feature on P.N. Elrod’s Dark Road Rising.
The first new Vampire Files novel in four years!
Vampire P.I. Jack Fleming is playing babysitter to Gabriel “Whitey” Kroun, a dangerously unstable mobster—and newly-created vampire—with...
P. N. Elrod's novels of The Vampire Files blend the seductive shadows of classic noir into a sanctuary for a most unusual private investigator-vampire Jack Fleming. In Elrod's newest novel, Jack is under the gun when the New York mafia wants his...
Vampire detective Jack Fleming's latest venture-the Lady Crymsyn nightclub-has become the favorite haunt for Chicago's elite. But amongst his patrons lurk a smarmy blackmailer and a dangerous up-and-coming mobster from New York-both unaware how...
"Altogether entrancing." (Publishers Weekly)
Vampire P.I. Jack Fleming is back-and he has a lady in red on his mind...
Jack uncovers the body of a good-time girl who went missing six years ago. And since her body was stashed in what is now Jack's...
Death hasn't ended Jack Fleming's problems. His girlfriend Bobbi has caught the attention of a famous radio star, who promises to open doors for the lovely singer -- including the one to his bedroom. His current case -- retrieving incriminating...
As a journalist in Capone-controlled Chicago, Jack Fleming is used to the sight of blood, but when he becomes a vampire, his addictive thirst for it puts him between the cops and the mob in a pulsating fight for his...