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Автор: Thurman Rob
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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New from the national bestselling author of Deathwish It's time to lock, load, and hit the road… Once, while half-human Cal Leandros and his brother Niko were working on a case, an ancient gypsy...
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Язык: русский
Статус: Закончена
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Затронутый временной промежуток: 1371-1372 г. по ЛД Летающий город шейдов пережил крах могучей Нетерезской Империи. Город и правящие им...
Silver Woven In My Hair

Silver Woven In My Hair

Язык: английский
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Thursey is too strong-willed to be intimidated by her stepsisters with their cruel taunts claiming that her father died a coward in the recent wars. She defies them, hiding the little books she makes that preserve a variety of Cinderella stories...
Sister of the Dead

Sister of the Dead

Серия: Noble Dead
Язык: английский
Год: 2005
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Magiere is a dhampir-half human, half vampire-sired for the purpose of slaying the undead. Outside the village of Chemestuk, where she was born and raised, stands her father's keep. Within its walls, she hopes to discover the secrets of her past...
След Рыси

След Рыси

Язык: русский
Год: 2009
полная версия

С громким лязгом на теле ее сомкнулись черные доспехи, закрывшие колдунью с головы до ног. Глаза в прорези шлема с пышным белым плюмажем...