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The masked witches

The masked witches

Автор: Byers Richard Lee
Язык: английский
полная версия

Aoth Fezim and his mercenary company have restored their tarnished reputation and attracted new recruits for their depleted ranks. But they still have one big problem. Too many griffon mounts were killed in the battles in Thay Chessenta. If “the...
The Spectral Blaze

The Spectral Blaze

Автор: Byers Richard Lee
Язык: английский
полная версия

Aoth and the Brotherhood of the Griffon have succeeded in rescuing Tchazzar, the lost king of Chessenta and a formidable red dragon, and are rewarded with a contract to aid in his war with a powerful dracolich. But the more Aoth sees of the war,...
Алмаз. Апокриф от московских
Альтернативная история, Фэнтези

Алмаз. Апокриф от московских

Язык: русский
Год: 2012

Роман повествует о каверзе, устроенной сообществом Вечных Москвичей лондонскому сообществу. История самого крупного из когда-либо...