In this conclusion to the Farseer saga, Fitz Chivalry’s quest for revenge on the usurping Regal requires him to journey to the Elderlings (wise old mages in the classic mold) and afterwards to realize the emergence of his own magical gifts, at...
More than twenty years ago, the first epic fantasy novel featuring FitzChivalry Farseer and his mysterious, often maddening friend the Fool struck like a bolt of brilliant lightning. Now New York Times bestselling author Robin Hobb brings to a...
On the day the Holgarians attack her town, twenty-year-old Asta is blessed by a warrior god and is empowered with the heightened senses and unnatural healing abilities these foreign invaders possess. Grief-stricken and paralyzed by terror, she’s...
Wesleyan University Press has made a significant commitment to the publication of the work of Samuel R. Delany, including this recent fiction, now available in paperback. The three long stories collected in Atlantis: three tales — “Atlantis:...
Galaktyka, gdzie wśród walk i intryg potężne Imperium Ludzi dąży do pokojowego współistnienia z Obcymi…
Młoda prawniczka, która tropiąc zagadkę ucieczek z wirtualnego więzienia,...
Ursula K. Le Gvina
Atuanas kapenes
No angļu valodas tulkojusi Zane Rozenberga
Noskannējis grāmatu un failu izveidojis Imants Ločmelis
Viņai ir atņemts viss — dzimtās mājas, ģimene un pat īstais...