Normunds Grostiņš
Atvērtais Laiks
Šī zinātniskās fantastikas grāmata ar simtiem patiesu vēstures faktu soli pa solim atsedz skatienam slepeno mozaīku, kuras fragmenti izkaisīti Eiropas vēstures tūkstošgadēs..
Une société secrète d’encagoulés complote pour renverser le seigneur Vétérini, Patricien d’Ankh-Morpork, et lui substituer un roi.
C’est sans compter avec le guet municipal et son équipe de fins limiers.
Vor langer, langer Zeit existierten vier magische Waffen, die nur das Maguschvolk zu beherrschen verstand. Doch in einem fürchterlichen Krieg ging das Wissen um diese Waffen und die Geschichte des Maguschvolks verloren. Aurian, Tochter...
In ages past, there had been four magical weapons, fashioned to be used only by the Magefolk. But their history had been lost, together with the Artefacts themselves, in the Cataclysm which had wrought changes on land and water alike. Lost also had...
It has been fortold: In the hour of Britain’s greatest need, King Arthur will return to rescue his people. In Portugal, the reprobate King Edward the Ninth has died by his own hand. In England, a dark scenario conceived by the power-hungry Prime...
His mind raced... he lay in the alley.
Why was he there?
Gavin knew two things - his name and he was wearing a tunic and pants. From beyond the alley, hustling city sounds were unfamiliar. The warmth of the sun on his neck and its position in...