Frankenstein meets Field of Dreams in this nostalgic, gracefully written but fundamentally flawed baseball novel. Set in a sleepy Georgia town during WW II, this coming-of-age saga is based on the real-life story of Danny Boles, a major league...
Under the Never Sky - 2.5
Set just before the events of Into the Still Blue, the conclusion to Veronica Rossi's Under the Never Sky trilogy, this breathtaking novella is a satisfying stand-alone for new readers as well as an exciting...
Most of the translations from foreign languages in the text are my own, but for the quotation from Machiavelli’sThe Prince and the quotation from Virgil’s The Eclogues (though I have adapted the latter very slightly). I am indebted to the late...
Take a simple, three-day cruise on a lavish steamboat casino, they said. Just keep an eye out for trouble while the Regent rolls the dice, they said.
Markhat should have known the maiden voyage of Avalante’s vampire-crewed Brown River Queen...
Vier junge Männer — miteinander befreundete Studenten einer amerikanischen Hochschule — starten eines Tages zu einem Trip in die Wüste von Arizona. Ihr Ziel ist ein geheimnisvolles Kloster, das es dort, abgeschieden von der Welt, geben soll....
Do niedawna popularny w wąskim kręgu miłośników fantastyki, obecnie, dzięki filmowi "Nocznoj Dozor” (w Polsce znany jako Straż Nocna) – najsłynniejszy i najlepiej sprzedający się w Rosji autor...