The merged worlds of Phaze and Proton face a new threat from an invading force - leaving the fate of the two planets in the hands of Nepe and Flach, two children possessing magical...
The combined magic and technology between the parallel worlds of Phaze and Proton is not enough to save the planets from a conquering invasion. Only Mach and Bane - robot and wizard, linked between worlds - have any chance of stopping this...
The robotic Mach and the human Bane are the only contact between the technological world of Photon and the fantastical world of Phaze. So the Adverse Adepts devise a scheme to control the duo by kidnapping their...
Р. Блох. Безликий бог: Египетский цикл. Пер. c англ. Е. Лаврецкой. Илл. В. Финлея и Г. С. Де Лэя. Послесл. Р. М. Прайса. – Б.м.: Salamandra P.V.V., 2016. – 152...