Dead Man's rain

Dead Man's rain
Детективная фантастика, Фэнтези
Автор: Tuttle Frank
Серия: Markhat #2
Язык: английский
Страниц: 15
Добавил: Admin 15 Июл 13
Проверил: Admin 15 Июл 13
Формат:  FB2 (97 Kb)  EPUB (183 Kb)  MOBI (501 Kb)

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Can a haunted man help the dead find peace?

Markhat is a Finder, charged with the post-war task of tracking down sons and fathers gone suddenly missing when an outbreak of peace left the army abandoned where they stood. But now it’s ten years on after the war, and about all he’s finding is trouble.

This time, trouble comes in the form of a rich widow with a problem. Her dearly departed husband, Ebed Merlat, keeps ambling back from the grave for nocturnal visits. Markhat saw a lot during the war, but he’s never seen anyone, rich or poor, rise from the grave and go tromping around the landscape. But for the right price, he’s willing to look into it.

As a storm gathers and night falls, Markhat finds darker things than even murder lurk amid the shadows of House Merlat.

This book has been previously published.

Product Warnings

This title is rife with the walking dead, sarcastic butlers, barking dogs and ghostly dances.

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