A real hero knows how to rise to the occasion.
Dennis is a college student whose only luck with the ladies is ogling them from afar and picking up their misplaced bikini tops the morning after wild pool parties he never attends. After working late nights at Conan's Pizza, his overactive Frazetta-inspired imagination are all that get him through the day.
Dreams of slaying beasts to rescue babelicious women will soon be put to the test as his sudden gut-emptying illness turns out to be the side effects of desperate priestess magic from a world of savage-land hotties and nightmarish monsters.
With his newly bestowed herculean body and the aid, advice, and welcome attentions of his female companions, Dennis must learn the skills of a warrior, gain the heart of a champion, and fulfill the uniquely different desires of the women who choose to call him their man.
Facing deadly vagabonds, ravenous beasts, and mythical creatures, he does his best to survive the challenges of this new land and protect the women relying on him. But his hard work in college never prepared him for any of this, and especially not for the Dark One.
Warning: This novel contains explicit content, and is not meant for readers under 18 years of age.
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