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Frieda's Tale

Frieda's Tale

Серия: Schooled In Magic
Язык: английский
Год: 2022
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Спойлер Пока Эмили вела решающий бой против некромантов (роман Oathkeeper), Фрида отправилась в археологическую экспедицию в родные...
Hasdrubal's Tale

Hasdrubal's Tale

Серия: Schooled In Magic #31
Язык: английский
Год: 2022
полная версия

Спойлер Хаздрубал известен читателям как слепой магистр Школы Уайтхолла. Обстоятельства, при которых Хаздрубал потерял зрение, долго...
Storm of Locusts

Storm of Locusts

Серия: The Sixth World #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2019
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Kai and Caleb Goodacre have been kidnapped just as rumors of a cult sweeping across the reservation leads Maggie and Hastiin to investigate an outpost, and what they find there will challenge everything they've come to know in this action-packed...
Thieves' World: Enemies of Fortune

Thieves' World: Enemies of Fortune

Язык: английский
Год: 2004
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This is the second, after *Turning Points* (2002), in another series of collections of new stories about the city of Sanctuary, originally the creation of editor Abbey and Robert Asprin in their Thieves' World, now long a setting exploited by a...
The Sword of Knowledge

The Sword of Knowledge

Язык: английский
Год: 2005
полная версия

The Empire of Sabis was falling, besieged by the army of a more powerful empire and by hostile wizards. A small group of philosopher-scientists could reverse the tide if they could convince the rulers of Sabis to build the deadly new weapon that...