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Witch World

Witch World

Серия: Witch World
Язык: английский
Год: 1963
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Andre Norton enthralled readers for decades with thrilling tales of people challenged to the limits of their endurance in epic battles of good against evil. None are more memorable than her Witch World novels.Simon Tregarth, a man from our...
Witch's Oath

Witch's Oath

Серия: The Children of D'Hara #4
Язык: английский
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***Richard knew that there would be no help coming. It was all up to him to stop the threat or Kahlan would die. They all would die. *** Nine companions - Richard, Kahlan, the witch woman Shale and six Mord-Sith, Rikka, Vale, Cassia, Nyda, Berdine...