Loki - dawniej bóg kłamstwa, obecnie najemnik na żołdzie aniołów - powraca, by znów na rozkaz Nieba tropić ukryte demony i niedobitki starych, pogańskich bóstw. Uzbrojony w izraelskie pistolety o...
Volt egyszer egy szegény ember, s annak nyolc fia. A nyolcadik fiú felnőtt, megházasodott, és lett nyolc fia, s mivel csupán egyetlen foglalkozás jöhet szóba egy nyolcadik fiú nyolcadik fiának...
After waking up, Steve doesn't know where he is. Heck, he doesn't know what he is. Despite his spotty memory, he's pretty sure he didn't used to be a floating ball of light.
He's also certain that he's not originally from this dangerous fantasy...
Mags returns to the Collegium, but there are mixed feelings--his included--about him actually remaining there. No one doubts that he is and should be a Herald, but he is afraid that his mere presence is going to incite more danger right in the heart...