»Das doppelte Lottchen« gehört wohl zu den schönsten Büchern, die je für Kinder geschrieben worden sind. Erich Kästners Lust zum Fabulieren, sein köstlicher Humor machen alles Schwere leicht und den Kindern verständlich. Denn es ist schon...
Text and bird's-eye-view illustrations portray a busy day in a city, including activities at a school, an apartment building, a theater, and a museum. Includes related activities.
Виммельбух (Wimmelbuch) - книги для...
Monkeys! Seals! Tigers! Check out these eight action-packed scenes to see what happens during a full day at a busy zoo. In each picture, the zoo buzzes with activity. Visitors, zookeepers, and animals move from place to place.