The tales of beloved author and illustrator Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) have delighted and charmed readers across the world since the first publication of ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’ in 1902. Her imaginative books are distinguished by...
The tales of beloved author and illustrator Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) have delighted and charmed readers across the world since the first publication of ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’ in 1902. Her imaginative books are distinguished by...
Maddy is determined to provide the perfect home for her beautiful tortoiseshell kitten, Biscuit. She spends all her time with the new arrival, playing and giving her cuddles. Before long, Biscuit is old enough to go outside. But little does she know...
Tia is thrilled when she gets a beautiful pedigree Bengal kitten, who she names Milly. Bengal kittens are cute and clever, but can be naughty and Milly is soon in all sorts of trouble – getting shut in cupboards, climbing shelves and even falling...
Emily is delighted her lively new tabby kitten, Charlie, is settling in so well – if only he would just wear a collar! Then Emily is picked to join her school football team and suddenly she hardly has any time for entertaining a kitten.
Charlie is...
Scarlett is excited to be moving to the countryside, especially as it means she will finally get a pet. She chooses Bootle, a ginger kitten with four white socks, and the two of them become inseparable. Then Scarlett has to start at her new...