Packed with photos, including 8 pages in full color
Color your world with orchids
Orchids are beautiful, fragrant, wonderfully varied, and surprisingly affordable. But aren't they hard to grow at home? No! says orchid grower extraordinaire Steve...
Organic Gardening For Dummies, 2nd Edition shows readers the way to ensure a healthy harvest from their environmentally friendly garden. It covers information on the newest and safest natural fertilizers and pest control methods, composting,...
Restoration Agriculture reveals how to sustainably grow perennial food crops that can feed us in our resource-compromised future.
The restoration agriculture system described in this award-winning book works! It is possible for humans to produce...
Reduce your environmental footprint in the garden with this practical guide
With all the talk about the health of the planet, you've probably heard about sustainability. Now you can apply these principles in your own backyard, whether that's an...
Roots and tubers are considered as the most important food crops after cereals and contribute significantly to sustainable development, income generation and food security especially in the tropical regions. The perishable nature of roots and tubers...
The easy way to succeed at urban gardening
A townhouse yard, a balcony, a fire escape, a south-facing window—even a basement apartment can all be suitable locations to grow enough food to save a considerable amount of money and enjoy the freshest,...