It’s a jacket; it’s a mattress; it’s a fortune!
Mullaney staked his life on it.
The way it all worked out was that Mullaney finally figured he had to take the big gamble; he’d never get rich selling encyclopedias....
The hill people and the Mexicans arrived on the same day. It was a Wednesday, early in September 1952. The Cardinals were five games behind the Dodgers with three weeks to go, and the season looked hopeless. The cotton, however, was waist-high to my...
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. Scotland, 1766. Sentenced to a life of misery in the brutal coal mines, twenty-one-year-old Mack McAsh hungers for escape. His only ally: the beautiful, highborn Lizzie Hallim, who is trapped in her own...
Europe, 1940. As war rages across the continent, America watches anxiously from the sidelines. And President Franklin Roosevelt has been keeping an even closer eye on developments in the Third Reich. At the president’s personal request, Lanny...
At some point, the author realized that at his disposal there are several miniatures devoted to books, devoted to creating, publishing books. Naturally there was an intention: to make the collection. How to name such collection? "A book"? "A book...
In the third installment of the Girl Genius novels, Agatha H. and the Voice of the Castle begins as Agatha Heterodyne returns to her ancestral home, the warped little town of Mechanicsburg. There she must claim her inheritance by convincing the...