The main story is a love affair between Alaric Darconville, an English professor at a Virginia women's college, and one of his students, Isabel.
The style relies on complex syntax and unusual words. The satire is broad, and uses southern culture...
Continuation of "Star wars" - in a new way. The surviving black Lord Darth Vader fights a space monster - President Erdogan of Turkey, inflicts crushing blows with stellar, incomprehensible power weapons on ISIS. But the Mujahideen...
Die Anfänge der Foundation
Man schreibt das Jahr 12020. Von der Hauptstadt Trantor aus regiert Cleon I. über sein gigantisches Sternenreich. Doch das Imperium zeigt erste Risse, und der Imperator weiß, dass seine Herrschaft...
A woman sates her lust for vengeance in this Ralph Compton western... Waylaid by a pack of murdering outlaws, Daniel Strange's lifeless body is left dangling at the end of a rope. Now, a mysterious gunslinger is on the vengeance trail, packing...
He’s coming for you.Death is meant to come on a chariot of broken dreams or in the dark trenches of a storm, not in love letters and gifts.He did not take my soul when I was meant to die. He did not want it all the other times that I’ve...
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Brides of the Kylorr #1
Desire in His Blood
Zoey Draven
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