Innocent. Blameless. Pure. Heartbroken. Josie Vos belonged to the one family I hated more than anything.
And I had forced her to despise me just as much.
It didn't matter that I had lost track of my plan and fallen for my enemy.
Though a first-person story, The Rascally Romance, nonetheless, is not a swaggering report on Me, Myself and The Number One. No, I’m not up for narcistic self-portraits. What? This mean and stupid rascal me? Alas, but not, ‘tis gone,...
In “Strike Zone,” tells the story of a particularly peculiar crime — the murder of the most famous pinch hitter in history, who happened to be a midget — and also explores the colorful legend of baseball Bill...
Everything was pretty quiet on west coast gridirons that Saturday afternoon… and then — BOOM — Dynamite Dan Webb exploded out of a pile-up, streaking for paydirt like a golden sky-rocket… He should have known there’d be plenty of...
“I’m not really a brat, please understand that. But, you know, school one day... and there’s your mother wearing her Long Grave Face... and she tells you she’s leaving your father... that you and she will be making new plans...”
The Crofts live with their blond, teenage daughter, Lissie, in a converted sawmill in Rutledge, Connecticut, an exclusive community of achievers. Lissie’s mother, Connie, is a Vassar graduate; her father, Jamie, a successful photographer. But...