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Земля и звёзды (СИ)
Другая фантастика, Роман, повесть

Земля и звёзды (СИ)

Язык: русский
Статус: Закончена
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Фанфик по Стругацким. Альтернативная концовка "Жука в Муравейнике", которая инициировала продолжение темы. Герои повести "Земля и...
Putin Is Going To Hitler
Роман, повесть

Putin Is Going To Hitler

Язык: русский
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It happened that after his death in August 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin moved into the body of Hitler. Moreover, it is so cool that the Great Patriotic War is in full swing on the calendar on November 1, 1941. And you can't fix it. What to...
The Widower's Two-Step
Роман, повесть

The Widower's Two-Step

Язык: русский
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An old friend recruits Tres Navarre to protect the career of a rising country music singer. With a million dollar record deal on the table, Miranda Daniels has everything to gain and everything to lose. Then her half-finished demo is stolen, her...