When Billy, a troubled young man, comes to private eye Cormoran Strike’s office to ask for his help investigating a crime he thinks he witnessed as a child, Strike is left deeply unsettled. While Billy is obviously mentally distressed, and cannot...
Louisiana Sheriff’s Detective Dave Robicheaux and his longtime friend and partner Clete Purcel are vacationing in Montana’s spectacular Big Sky country when a series of suspicious events leads them to believe their lives — and the lives of...
Ex-army musketry trainer, Jay Benson and his wife Lucy’s dream of running a shooting school turns sour as the school heads towards certain closure. They need money — quickly, and a lot of it. At the eleventh hour Augusto Savanto, head of a vast...
LINGO was published in the April 1, 1935 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
So just who is this Lingo of the story's title? He's Lingo Queed, an opportunist who is poised to take over the reins of the underworld criminal empire. He is called "Lingo"...
Peter Pan mythology is given a dystopian kick in this exciting new tale featuring Mick Trubble, a Troubleshooter in the futuristic city of New Haven.
Mick reluctantly takes on a missing child case, which takes a bewildering turn as he encounters...
Noah Braddock’s past won't leave him alone.
After a self-imposed exile in Florida, Noah is back in San Diego, ready to face the fallout from the crime he committed. He doesn’t want to go to jail, but he doesn’t want to live his...
Myron is summoned to Paris at the behest of an old lover, Therese. She is in unspecified trouble and needs his help. When he gets there, he discovers that her ex-husband has been murdered and she is the main suspect. The interesting thing is that...
The death of legendary private eye George Rowell looked like an accident – but searching for the truth behind it will put down-and-out East Village detective Payton Sherwood on the trail of a runaway investment scam artist, a drug-addicted...