Myron Bolitar przyjmuje propozycję właściciela klubu New Jersey Dragons i zgadza się odnaleźć gwiazdę drużyny, Grega Downinga, swojego rywala z czasów studenckich, który przepadł jak kamień...
The greatest crime fighter of the forties returns!
In the roaring heart of the crucible, steel is made. In the raging flame of personal tragedy, men are sometimes forged into something more than human.
It was so with Dick Benson. He had been...
Serge Maisky has a record as long as your arm. In and out of jail all his life, he has dreamed for years of the Big Steal, that would set him up good. He recruits four professional accomplices and bribes one of the girls who works in the...
THE LONDON CRIMES was originally published in the September 15, 1935 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
Thefts, frauds, robberies, murder — all for millions. The Harvester reaps what he has sown, but The Shadow comes along to check the harvest of...