Under the guise of a college student, Carl Bigelow moves into a small town and into the life of Jake Winroy, a one-time crook who now plans to testify against an organized crime figure. The tricky thing is to kill Jake without making it look like...
“Take it from me, getting yourself shot hurts like hell.” When the latest assignment for ex-Special Forces soldier turned bodyguard Charlie Fox, ends in a bloody shootout in a frozen forest of New Hampshire, she's left fighting for her life,...
For 41 issues from 1934 to 1939, Secret Agent "X" battled the forces of evil in the pages of his own pulp magazine. Now, for the first time… the complete pulp series is being reprinted in nine deluxe omnibus editions! The text has been reset and...
For 41 issues from 1934 to 1939, Secret Agent "X" battled the forces of evil in the pages of his own pulp magazine. Now, for the first time… the complete pulp series is being reprinted in nine deluxe omnibus editions! The text has been reset and...
For 41 issues from 1934 to 1939, SECRET AGENT "X" battled the forces of evil in the pages of his own pulp magazine. Now, for the first time… the complete pulp series is being reprinted in nine deluxe omnibus editions! The text has been reset and...
For 41 issues from 1934 to 1939, Secret Agent "X" battled the forces of evil in the pages of his own pulp magazine. Now, for the first time… the complete pulp series is being reprinted in nine deluxe omnibus editions! The text has been reset and...
Murder. Multiplied by Seven... equals supercharged action and breath-taking suspense in this carnivol of crime from the blood-dipped pen of Paul Cain, creator of close-lipped men whose rods did all their talking, and sultry women whose eyes were...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” January 1, 1933.
Gangsters and millionaires — businessmen and politicians — men of the street and The Shadow — all engrossed in this thrilling story of crime and international...