The year is 1977, and America is finally getting over the nightmares of Watergate and Vietnam and the national hangover that was the 1960s. But not everyone is ready to let it go.
Not aging comedian Koo...
J. W. Sassoon, head man of the biggest oil conglomerate in the world, was found dead in his rooms in the plush Hotel Beaumont. Murder, the police said, and Pierre Chambrun, the imperturbable hotel manager, has only hours to find the answers to some...
FLETCH and the Man Who
When Fletch arrives as the new press representative for Governor Caxton Wheeler’s presidential campaign, he isn’t sure which mystery to solve first: what his new job actually is or why the campaign has been leaving...
La investigadora privada Kinsey Millhone tiene problemas para llegar a fin de mes el día en que no tiene más remedio que aceptar el rutinario encargo de buscar a la hermana de Mrs. Danziger, Elaine. Ahora bien, cuando llega al apartamento...