Winston was a town where, as in a mobile, everything balanced precariously. It looked all right to visitors, and even to most of the people who lived there. Children got to school safely, and there wasn’t much union trouble, and the streets were...
Lew Archer #3 The third Lew Archer mystery, in which a missing-persons search takes him "through slum alleys to the luxury of a Palm Springs resort, to a San Francisco drug-peddler's shabby room. Some of the people were dead when he reached them....
Michael O’Shea is a member of Ireland’s police force, known as the Guards. He’s also a sociopath who walks a knife-edge between sanity and all-out mayhem. When an exchange program is initiated and twenty Guards come to America and twenty cops...
Mick's world is shattered by mind-blowing revelations that will rock him to the core. But will the truth set him free… or utterly destroy him?
Mick's first anniversary of his retirement is spoiled by drastic news: Kilgore is coming. A deadly...
It has the same rather breathless progress round Europe as the other three books, in this case Geneva, Evian, Cannes, Turin, and various towns in Alpine France (see pictures below), and one gets the sense by the end that Canning was ready to ditch...
Hoping to win over the beautiful Francine, Chip Harrison is astonished when an attempt is made on his life, an event that places him at the forefront of a fast-paced...
Defending an African-American farm family from local mobsters who want their land, Cajun detective Dave Robicheaux travels from his native New Orleans to Central America in pursuit of a notorious gambler and hit...
Among some of the finest art treasures, lent by the Hermitage Museum, Leningrad, for display at the Fine Arts Museum, Washington, is the Catherine the Great icon, the oldest known icon and worth millions of dollars.
An expert gang of art thieves...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” December 1, 1935.
Through brightly lighted boulevards and dark byways of Paris moves The Shadow, playing the strangest role of his career in counteracting the movements of the international...
The bodies were piling up like basketball points, but the name of this game was Mafia Murder. The punks, the junkies and the hookers were running scared, and the police weren’t far behind them. Then some smart cop got an...