When handsome, hard-boiled Ed Barlow, a Florida reporter, got the tip-off on an insidious gang of criminals that preyed on a certain kind of woman, he knew he was in for a gun-barrel full of excitement — and he liked it.
Against a background...
CROOKS GO STRAIGHT was originally published in the March 1, 1935 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
How many crooks go straight? Two crooks, to be exact. This story follows the reformed lives of two ex-crooks, Steve Zurk and Jack Targon. Steve Zurk...
THE DARK DEATH was originally published in the February 15, 1935 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
"Beware, dark men! Doom awaits you! That is the message in the crystal." Or so warns Cuyler Willington. And when he says "dark men" he refers not to...
SHIELD FOR MURDER is a hard-hitting story about a rogue cop who ran with the hare while he hunted with the hounds — and so caught himself in the squeeze between the underworld and the law. Barney Nolan had a long record with the force. Some of it...
Pulp fiction has been looked down on as a guilty pleasure, but it offers the perfect form of entertainment: the very best storytelling filled with action, surprises, sound and fury. In short, all the exhiliration of a roller-coaster ride. The 1920s...
Here is a smashing, red-blooded mystery yarn, packed with fast action. This is crime as the police in “open” towns know it; hard-boiled detectives and as tough a collection of criminals as can be found in any metropolitan line-up.
Newshawk Sanson staggered from a Mexican minx’ arms into the Bordertown smugglers’ tea-party — just as the gorilla with bloody mitts started shelling out the...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” January 15, 1935.
Bringing with it the inscrutable mystery and timelessness of its desert home, the Blue Sphinx, motionless on its pedestal, broods over the crime perils hovering above the...
THE FOUR SIGNETS was originally published in the January 1, 1935 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
The Four Signets hold some hidden message which spreads the path of crime and death in their wake. Millions at stake — to be distributed by four...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” December 15, 1934.
A master crook, whose machinations of crime leads The Shadow on a trail from the heart of New York to the Latin Quarter of New...