Tarl Cabot, seeking the monsters from the Steel Worlds, found himself among the cruel savages who ruled the vast Barrens. Though himself enslaved, he stood with his comrades and masters against a coming onslaught. For the Kur had united the...
In the age of the Dark Imperium, Primarch Guilliman’s Primaris Ultramarines are a shining beacon in the darkness of war. On the Imperial Hive World of Ikara IX, Chaplain Kastor and Apothecary Polixis, brothers in blood as well as in battle, stand...
A Primarchs anthology
Explore the histories and motivations of the primarchs across six short stories that will take you to the depths of the Cthonian Utterdark, the wilds of Fenris in winter, and even to the holy soil of Terra itself.
In the nightmare future of the 41st millennium, the superhuman Space Marines wage an endless war in their quest to protect humanity. Follow the adventures of Brother-Captain Gabriel Angelos and the Blood Ravens Space Marines as they clash against...
A Horus Heresy novella
After the Triumph at Ullanor, Jaghatai Khan led the White Scars to Chondax and then vanished from all sight. Only after years of war against the orks does his story become known...
This is the first time the...
Under almost constant besiegement by the hosts pouring from the Eye of Terror, Cadia acts as a bulwark against tyranny and death. Its fortresses and armies have held back the hordes of Chaos for centuries, but that grim defiance is about to reach...
Sent to the capital world of Potence, Sergeant Minka Lesk and the Cadian 101st discover that though Cadia may have fallen, their duty continues.
It's the follow-up to Cadia Stands and continues the journey of Minka Lesk and her...
Agents Callis and Toll of the Order of Azyr venture into the vast marshlands east of the grand city of Excelis to investigate the death of the noble son of one of two warring clans. Was his death a tragic accident or vicious murder? A full-scale...
A malevolent threat looms over the once great city of Excelsis. For as long as the treacherous Ortam Vermyre lives, civilisation is no longer safe within the Realm of Beasts. Witch Hunter Hanniver Toll must brave the deadly seas and jungles of the...