On Earth, Elinor Brinton was accustomed to having it allwealth, beauty, and a host of men wrapped around her little finger. But Elinors spoiled existence is a thing of the past. She is now a pleasure slave of Gora world whose society insists on...
For more than a century, Garran Crowe has served as Castellan of the Grey Knights, protecting the Imperium against the foulest daemons, and holding prisoner in his grasp the monstrous Black Blade of Antwyr. Now he is tested as never before when the...
Puer a nostro tempore ad Medium Aevum movet et marchio fit. At Iulius Caesar, quod nomen pueri est, amantissime acceptum non exspectat, et casus eius feriores fiunt...
In the cold Wastes of the north, the followers of Chaos gather in their thousands, eager to lay ruin to the soft lands of the south. These bloodthirsty, undisciplined warriors can only be controlled by the fiercest of leaders – champions who have...
Dimension Times DimensionBlade lands in a new dimension...a bleak desert with a city of black jade rising against the horizon. Mistaken for a desert tribesman he is attacked and captured by the defending warriors of the city. He is sentenced to...