The Vanishing Tower is where the divergent pieces of Elric's saga are weaved into a single tale; the saga of Elric's dealings with Melniboné, his homeland, related in books one and three, and the saga of his journeys through the Young...
The fifth of the six classic Elric novels picks up, as is usual with these books, where the fourth leaves off. Moorcock sets the last pieces of the puzzle into place, introducing us to Zarozinia, the love of Elric's life. Once again, Moorcock...
Moorcock is off at full throttle. Every scene has ironic meaning. A couple of minor stories, and we're into the lush, manic rush to Armageddon that is STORMBRINGER! Still the greatest plot on the planet, build and build until the final,...
In a land where magic defines the social order, the ruling tyrants alone control the most powerful sorcery ...One of the last of a massacred race of warriors -- an unparalleled swordsman magically afflicted by spells of blind, uncontrollable rage --...
Reeth Caldason's quest for vengeance--and for freedom from the twin plagues of rage and immortality--has brought the able swordsman to Bhealfa, where fear, magic, and brute force are weapons employed by the authorities to control the populace. The...
Tabaea was an ordinary thief, sneaking and prowling and stealing for a living. Then one night while burgling a house, she witnessed a wizard teaching his apprentice a spell - the creation of a magic dagger.Tabaea decided to try the magic for...