Volume 14 of The Chronicles of Counter-Earth, and first installment in the Jason Marshall trilogy. Accidentally caught up in the capture of his dinner date by Gorean slavers, Jason Marshall is transported to Gor as the first male silk slave from...
Blade enters a sinister new dimension--the Land of the Hashomi. Here people are conditioned from birth to be totally immune to pain and fear. By a combination of indoctrination and drugs they have been made into the ultimate fighting machine.The...
Dream Time
In a new dimension of time and space Blade finds himself in a strange, crumbling city that seems to be the result of a very advanced technology. Violent gangs roam the streets. The area is brutalized by robbery, rape, and murder.
Moorcock is off at full throttle. Every scene has ironic meaning. A couple of minor stories, and we're into the lush, manic rush to Armageddon that is STORMBRINGER! Still the greatest plot on the planet, build and build until the final,...
Welcome to Gor, a parallel Earth, where social norms are exotic and the way of life is brutal. In the fifth book in the Gorean Series, the deadly assassin Kuurus is intent on a bloody mission of vengeance. His adventure takes him from the caste...