The Vanishing Tower is where the divergent pieces of Elric's saga are weaved into a single tale; the saga of Elric's dealings with Melniboné, his homeland, related in books one and three, and the saga of his journeys through the Young Kingdoms...
Dream Time
In a new dimension of time and space Blade finds himself in a strange, crumbling city that seems to be the result of a very advanced technology. Violent gangs roam the streets. The area is brutalized by robbery, rape, and murder.
The first book in the Richard Blade series (1969)
Blasted into a fantastic new world, Richard Blade woke at the feet of a strange and beautiful woman, Taleen, Princess of Voth. Running for her life from the savage Albs who had kidnapped her....
Moorcock is off at full throttle. Every scene has ironic meaning. A couple of minor stories, and we're into the lush, manic rush to Armageddon that is STORMBRINGER! Still the greatest plot on the planet, build and build until the final,...
Karl Wagner wrote this pastiche of Robert E. Howard's pictish king, Bran Mac Morn during the heyday, resurgence, or whatever it was of Howard reprints in paperback. Wagner wove a tale of swords and sorcery around the very real disappearance of the...
A Bad Neighborhood
"Always Faithful." That was the IMC motto, and the Marines of Bravo Company, Bronze Battalion, of the Empress' Own Regiment, lived by it...even if they did occasionally wonder why they bothered. After all, Prince Roger...
The War MatriarchyAfter fourteen successive trips to Dimension X, Blade is still the most nearly perfect physical and mental specimen on planet Earth. But on this, his fifteenth journey through time and space, all his faculties as both a warrior and...