In the spring of 1918, the Spanish Flu epidemic spreads, killing millions of soldiers and civilians across the globe. Overwhelmed by the constant flow of wounded soldiers coming from the French front, battlefield nurse Bess Crawford must now...
In this charming late Victorian romantic suspense novel, Emily, a young and beautiful widow, regrets her husband's African hunting expedition death less than is proper. The late Philip, Viscount Ashton, had a passion for classical antiquity, and...
Robert Langdon, experto en simbología, es convocado a un centro de investigación suizo para analizar un misterioso signo marcado a fuego en el pecho de un físico asesinado. Allí, Langdon descubre el resurgimiento de una antigua hermandad...
La fama revoluciulo Rosa Luxembourg estis arestita kaj arestita. En la virina malliberejo, ŝi devas elteni skrupulajn serĉojn, aliajn procedurojn, humiligon kaj seriozajn...
The famous revolutionary Rosa Luxembourg was arrested and taken into custody. In the women's prison, she has to endure meticulous searches, other procedures, humiliation and serious...
Britannia, amenazada por la caída del Imperio romano y por el avance de los bárbaros, ve nacer la leyenda artúrica a través de la historia real del rey Artorius.
A fines del siglo V d.C., el Imperio romano agonizaba a causa de...
July 1831. In the midst of their idyllic honeymoon in England's Lake District, Kiera and Gage's seclusion is soon interrupted by a missive from her new father-in-law. A deadly incident involving a distant relative of the Duke of Wellington has taken...
When a group of powerful Irish Protestants and Catholics gather at a country house to discuss Irish home rule, contention is to be expected. But when the meeting's moderator, government bigwig Ainsley Greville, is found murdered in his bath,...