Sospesi tra storia e invenzione in un Medioevo che sembra vero, sono qui raccolti in un unico volume tre romanzi di Laura Mancinelli, in cui l'autrice approda a una visione fantastica e affettuosamente ironica della tradizione e della...
Listopad 1327 roku. Do znamienitego opactwa benedyktynów w północnych Włoszech przybywa uczony franciszkanin, Wilhelm z Baskerville, któremu towarzyszy uczeń i sekretarz, nowicjusz Adso z Melku. W klasztorze panuje...
World War II comes to Farleigh Place, the ancestral home of Lord Westerham and his five daughters, when a soldier with a failed parachute falls to his death on the estate. After his uniform and possessions raise suspicions, MI5 operative and family...
Paris, 1348. Vor Notre-Dame wird die Leiche eines Dominikaners gefunden. Sein junger Mitbruder Ranulf soll bei der Aufklärung des Verbrechens helfen. Doch die Liste der Verdächtigen ist lang. Eine Schönfrau, ein Vagant, ein Reeder...
An intricate historical page-turner about a forbidding country estate and the unlikely forensic duo who set out to uncover its deadly secrets.
In the year 1780, Harriet Westerman, the willful mistress of a country manor in Sussex, finds a...