Edmund Whitty, correspondent for The Falcon, specialises in reportage from the underworld. Following his investigations into the culpability of 'Chokee Bill' in The Fiend in Human, Whitty finds himself involved with a bizarre and sinister group who...
Seit Tagen steht vor dem Haus des Unternehmensberaters Guido Martens eine schwarz gekleidete Gestalt und starrt. Jedes Mal wenn Martens versucht, die Gestalt zur Rede zu stellen, ist sie in Windeseile verschwunden. Privatdetektiv Bernie Kittel soll...
Kansas City, 1935. Private detective Devlin Caine receives a telegram from his estranged older brother, a Baltimore banker who's been framed for embezzlement. At his brother's request, Caine comes to Baltimore, expecting nothing more than to...