In this ingenious debut, Rory Clements introduces John Shakespeare, Elizabethan England’s most remarkable investigator, and delivers a tale of murder and conspiracy that succeeds brilliantly as both historical fiction and a crime...
A delectable prequel to the national bestselling Royal Spyness mysteries featuring Lady Georgiana Rannoch—thirty forth in line to the throne, and England’s poorest heiress.
At the end of her first unsuccessful season out in society,...
Divorced and down on his luck, Gaius Petreius Ruso has made the rash decision to seek his fortune in an inclement outpost of the Roman Empire, namely Britannia. In a moment of weakness, after a straight thirty-six-hour shift at the army hospital,...
The head of Francisco Goya was stolen from his tomb in the wake of his death. No one has ever known what happened to it. Until now. Leon Golding has always been ignored by the art world he loves, but he's finally going to make his name as...
March 1814. With the allied armies of Russia, Austria, and Prussia advancing, Paris is in real danger of falling to occupying forces for the first time in four-hundred years. In the final installment of The Napoleonic Murders series, Armand...
March 1814. With the allied armies of Russia, Austria, and Prussia advancing, Paris is in real danger of falling to occupying forces for the first time in four-hundred years. In the final installment of The Napoleonic Murders series, Armand Cabasson...