Thomas Pitt, mainstay of Her Majesty’s Special Branch, is summoned to Connaught Square mansion where the body of a junior diplomat lies huddled in a wheelbarrow. Nearby stands the tenant of the house, the beautiful and notorious Egyptian woman...
Deep in the Russian countryside, a thirty-ton killing machine known officially as T-34 is being developed in total secrecy. Its inventor is a rogue genius whose macabre death is considered an accident only by the innocent. Suspecting assassins...
October, 1939: War has been declared, but until the armies massed on either side of the French — German border engage, all is quiet on the Western Front.
There are those who believe the war no one wants to fight should be brought to a swift...
She Lover of Death - There's been rising concern in Moscow over a wave of suicides among the city's young bohemians. An intrepid newspaper reporter, Zhemailo, begins to uncover the truth behind the phenomenon - that the victims...
Sherlock Holmes and the good doctor are preparing for a quiet night by a cozy fire, safe from the bitter chill of foggy London, when a letter arrives...
So begins an incredible journey upon which Dr. Watson...