Il 26 aprile del 1478, quinta domenica dopo Pasqua, la storia del Rinascimento italiano e forse anche quella dell'Europa intera stavano per cambiare radicalmente. Quella mattina, davanti all'altare maggiore della cattedrale di Firenze si era riunita...
Unhealed scars of the Great War still torment Scotland Yard Inspector Ian Rutledge, and he carries with him the presence of the soldier he was forced to execute in the midst of battle. A haunted, damaged shell of a man, he has been sent to the...
Mexico City in the autumn of 1835 is a lawless place, teeming with bandits and beggars. But an urgent letter from a desperate friend draws Benjamin January and his new bride Rose from New Orleans to this newly free province. Here they pray they’ll...
Phora, die ruhmreiche dunibische Hauptstadt, im Jahr 713 neuer Zeit: Mysteriöse Todesfälle erschüttern die Öffentlichkeit. Die Opfer wurden allesamt schrecklich zugerichtet - Stammhirn und Rückgrat der Leichen sind spurlos...
British Science Fiction Award, 2011
John W. Campbell Memorial Award, 2010
The Dervish House is set in 2027 Istanbul, in a future in which Turkey and the Queen of Cities have moved into the EU, where "the sick man of Europe" has...
Б. Стронин. Тайна Бабблинг Вэлл Род: Детективный роман. Подг. текста и прим. М. Фоменко. – Б.м.: Salamandra P.V.V., 2017. – 132 с. – (Polaris: Путешествия,...