When a fire rips through the Venetian Arsenal in 1569, the enigmatic Emanuele De Zante, spy-catcher and secret agent, is betrayed by his lover, imprisoned, and accused of treason. Given the chance to escape, he embarks on a trans-European odyssey...
Antanas is a young Lithuanian conscripted to fight in the Soviet War in Afghanistan where he falls in love with a young Afghani nurse. She opens his eyes to the politics of the war, while making bearable the brutal reality of their situation◦–...
Zitkala-Sa, a Sioux woman who left her reservation at the age of 8 to attend a harsh Quaker school, struggled to find a balance between her heritage and American culture. This important collection of wistful autobiographical tales, traditional...
Harriet Purcell tiene veintiún años y acaba de diplomarse como técnica en radiología. Con un sueldo más propio de un hombre en el Sidney de los años sesenta, desoye los consejos de su padre, quien le advierte que...
In 1803, the fragile Peace of Amiens breaks down, and Anne Peters finds herself stranded in Paris, penniless and alone, in danger of arrest.
One chance of escape is offered, to flee under the protection of the dashing Count Nikolai Kirov, and...
In 1808, the Russian Ship St. Nikolai ran aground off the Olympic Peninsula; this novel is based on this astounding historical event and the lives of the people affected.
In 1808, eighteen-year-old Anna Petrovna Bulygina is aboard the Russian...
La culminación de la Saga de Roma, que ha entusiasmado a millones de lectores.
Roma, año 41 d. J. C. Tras la muerte del César, Octavio y Marco Antonio se ponen de acuerdo para administrar juntos el imperio: Marco Antonio...