Na tron Francji wstępuje Ludwik Kłótliwy, władca chwiejny i słaby, za którym ciągnie się niechlubna sława rogacza. Upokorzony i ośmieszony przez swoją żonę Małgorzatę Burgundzką obsesyjnie szuka sposobu na szybkie unieważnienie...
The young Mary Cassatt never thought moving to Paris after the Civil War to be an artist was going to be easy, but when, after a decade of work, her submission to the Paris Salon is rejected, Mary's fierce determination wavers. Her father is begging...
My Lady of Cleves reveals the mesmerizing story of Anne of Cleves, Henry VIII's fourth wife, one of the rare women who matched wits successfully with the fiery king and lived to tell the tale.
Written by world-renowned historical novelist...
No one would believe me but
at times I would choose
wartime in Saigon over
peacetime in Alabama.
For all the ten years of her life, HÀ has only known Saigon: the thrills of its markets, the joy of its traditions, the warmth of her friends close by...