Winner of The Australian/Vogel’s Literary Award 2017
‘To frame The Lost Pages as being about Brod is clever and interesting. The Kafka we meet here is almost the opposite of the one we have come to expect.’
Stephen Romei, Literary...
Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus lived form 10 B.C. to 54 A.D. Despised as a weakling and considered an idiot because of his physical infirmities, Claudius survived the intrigues and poisonings of the reigns of Augustus, Tiberius and the...
Reynard, a young apprentice, seeks release from the drudgery of working for his fisherman uncle in the English village of Southwold. His rare days off lead him to strange encounters—not just with press gangs hoping to fill English ships to fight...
Don Julius, Bastardsohn Rudolfs II., kommt als neuer Graf ins böhmische Krumau - gegen seinen Willen. Um seine Rückkehr nach Prag zu erzwingen, nimmt Julius den Wettstreit auf dem einzigen Feld auf, auf dem er seinem Vater die Stirn bieten...
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Книга "2000 лет назад" (порт. "Há 2000 Anos") бразильского медиума Шико Шавьера (Chico...