Six notorious cousins, known to the ton as the Bar Cynster, have cut a swath through the ballrooms of London. Yet one by one, each has fallen in love and married the woman of his heart, until only one of them is left unclaimed...the most rakish...
When Gyles Rawlings, Earl of Chillingworth, was named an honorary Cynster (in All About Love), he was pleased at the recognition of his longtime friendship with the Cynsters but certain that the gesture would not affect his future in the...
Alexandra HawkinsAll Afternoon with a Scandalous MarquessSimon Jefferes, the Marquess of Sainthill, has done the unthinkable--he's fallen in love. The so-called "Saint" has spent his life gambling, dallying with women, and satisfying his every...
He taught her to trust. He taught her to love. And then he left her behind without a word. Tonight he's back. Whether for a moment or forever depends on the turn of a card. Twenty-one to win—or to lose it all. Their future hinges on her dealing...
Sparkling debutante Lady Miranda Archer was determined to choose a husband based on his fortune, his title, and the size of his castle. But being one of the unpredictable Archers, she couldn't help falling in love with the most unsuitable man in...
Bestselling author Bertrice Small continues the blazing adventures of raven-haired, emerald-eyed Skye O'Malley. This time, she is a pawn in the bitter war between England's Queen Elizabeth, and Mary, Queen of Scots. Once again, unprotected and...
For Miss Elizabeth Smith, sharing her first kiss with the charming Lord Derek Creswell is nothing short of a dream come true...that is, until she is spotted by one of the most relentless and influential gossips of the ton. With scandal nipping at...
In this classic novel of two willful lovers caught in a breathless adventure of deception and betrayal, #1 New York Times bestselling author Judith McNaught has created a powerful and unforgettable masterpiece.
Esta atrayente novela de amor es la primera traducida al castellano de LaVyrle Spencer, nueva gran figura en el género. Permaneció diez semanas en la lista de best-sellers del New York Times.
Cuando aún eran estudiantes, Maggie y...
El único crimen de Wade Conner había sido enamorarse de la hija del alcalde, Leigh Hampton. Pero le habían acusado de raptar y asesinar a una niña. Algo tan terrible que Leigh no se había atrevido a defenderlo.
Cuando Wade...