A story set in Regency England. When a chivalrous impulse saddles Viscount Desford with a homeless waif in the engaging shape of Cherry Steane, he asks his childhood playmate, Henrietta Silverdale, for help. Although they refused to oblige their...
In the Faerie realm, Noli Braddock's relationship with her best friend V has grown into something more. But V's mother, Faerie Queen Tiana, has ruled that they are forbidden to see each other. Returning to the mortal realm, Noli joins the crew of...
INTRIGUE, SUSPENSE, AND ROMANCE IN THE TIME OF THE SALEM WITCH TRIALS A spy working for religious organizations, Jere Wakely is summoned to Salem Village Parish, where it has become obvious to church authorities that there is serious trouble. He...
His Vengeance Was Sweet
Judith Easton knew that even the spirit of Christmas wouldn't stop the Marquess of Denbigh from settling the score with her. For the beautiful young widow had injured Denbigh's rigid pride years ago by jilting him for...
Augusta Ballinger estaba segura de que se trataba de un terrible error. No era posible que el temible, pomposo y peligrosamente perturbador conde de Graystone quisiera casarse con ella… porque se rumoreaba que la elegida tenía que ser un dechado...
In a galaxy torn apart by war...
Mara Skiren is a scavenger, a black-market dealer. Blackmailed into helping Commander Kell Frayne infiltrate a treacherous corner of the galaxy, Mara learns that her biggest danger is from her sexy, ...
At the age of eighteen, James Brandon's world is shattered when the girl he loves, Eliza, is forced to marry his brother. In despair, he joins the army and leaves England for the East Indies for the next several years. Upon his return, he finds...
A woman with no name and no memory…The two men who claim her:one with love, the other with fear…A dazzling tale of secret passions--and a love tragically lost and miraculously reborn--by the incomparable storyteller.
Mere days after Ashton...
Cuando Elizabeth Hotchkiss se hizo con una copia del libro?Como casarse con un marqués?, lo hizo en el momento apropiado. Ella debía casarse por dinero para mantener a sus hermanos y una guía sobre seducción puede ser justo lo...
Carolyn Turner, vizcondesa Wingate, está completamente escandalizada por la última selección llevada a cabo por la sociedad literaria de Londres. Memorias de una amante es escandalosamente explícito y absolutamente perverso… y...