This classic romance novel tells the true story of the love affair that changed history that of Katherine Swynford and John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, the ancestors of most of the British royal family. Set in the vibrant 14th century of Chaucer...
Martine Leavitt offers a spellbinding story, interweaving elements of classic fantasy and high romance in this National Book Award Finalist. Keturah follows a legendary hart into the king's forest, where she becomes hopelessly lost. Her strength...
Sir Thomas More (1478—1535) was an English lawyer and statesman who first served in Parliament during the reign of King Henry VII, where he made a name for himself by taking a stand against the king's practice of appropriation. Once the king...
Kirkland Revels loomed high above the wild and eerie Yorkshire moors like a brooding stone fortress. To some there was an atmosphere of evil about the place, but to innocent young bride Catherine Rockwell, the mansion seemed magnificently...
Początek ich znajomości miał posmak skandalu. Lady Elizabeth Allerton i Markus, lord Trevithick, spotkali się na dorocznej maskaradzie, organizowanej przez damy lekkiego prowadzenia. To, że Markus znalazł się w...
Córka Jasmine, lady Autumn, za radą matki opuszcza szarpaną wojną domową Anglię i płynie do Francji w nadziei, że tam znajdzie odpowiedniego męża. Najwłaściwszym kandydatem okazuje się...