For Harriet Delvaney, the great house of Menfreya, standing like a fortress on the Cornish coast, had always been a citadel of happiness and high spirits. Not until she herself came to Menfreya as a bride did Harriet discover the secret family...
Desde pequeña, Lettice Knollys tuvo que oír historias fabulosas sobre su prima, la futura reina Isabel I. Cuando esta subió al trono, Lettice pudo descubrir de primera mano los encantos, y las intrigas, de la corte inglesa de la...
Mientras la guerra se cierne sobre Inglaterra y Escocia, la dama de Friarsgate conoce, por fin, a su verdadero amor.
Rosamund Bolton ha tomado el control de su vida. Reclamó la herencia que le pertenecía, rechazó a su último...
Od jedenastu lat Londyn zaczytuje się dowcipnymi "Kronikami Towarzyskimi Lady Whistledown". Chłoszcząc ostrymi słowami, anonimowa autorka nie pomija nikogo z "towrzystwa". nawet takiej szarej myszki, jak Penelope Featherington....
She Sought Revenge But Discovered Desire.
On a quest to avenge her sister's death, Eleanor Watkins never expected to fall for the man following her through pleasure gardens and into ballrooms. But soon nothing can keep her from the arms of the...
Annora Cadorson
Set against the wild and rocky shores of nineteenth century Cornwall and the primitive outback of Australia, Midsummer's Eve is the story of Annora Cadorson, a young and innocent girl whose love and happiness are threatened by...
A love triangle involving Mikhail Bulgakov, famed author of The Master and Margarita, an agent of Stalin’s secret police, and the bewitching Margarita has inescapable consequences for all three in 1930s Russia.
It is 1933 and Mikhail...
Alex, the Duke of Delahaye, is determined to see his younger brother safely married to provide the necessary heir. Unfortunately the chosen bride, Miss Jane Verey, is less than...
Sir Greville Seton cannot abide women who work as companions. But when he meets his cousin's companion, the lovely Megan Mortimer, the Christmas spirit allows him to embrace the greatest gift of...