In this imaginative retelling of Pride and Prejudice, Amanda Grange now tells the classic story through the eyes of its compelling romantic hero, Fitzwilliam Darcy—in a series of revealing letters that casts a sparkling new reflection on the...
The survival of the British monarchy as a popular institution owes a lot toits queens who were, more often than not, more intelligent than theirhusbands. Caroline of Ansbach is such a queen. Well-educated and from one ofthe poorer German...
Blending romance and historical mystery, Alexander has delightful fun with both genres. Rich, young widow Lady Emily Ashton occasionally has tea with the queen, but she isn't exactly a perfect Victorian lady. Pretty and poised though she may be,...
When Angus Gordon demands that Fiona Hay become his mistress in exchange for a dowry for her sisters, a passionate and sensuous battle of wits ensues that draws the lovers into the dangerous court of King James and into a betrayal that could...
A tragic past has driven Lord Strathmore to use his formidable talents to protect his country from secret enemies, and he does it superlatively well - until he meets a mysterious woman. By turns glamorous and subdued, reckless yet vulnerable, she...
Victoria Holt demonstrates her mastery once again in her most exciting novel set in turn-of-the-century England where a young woman grows up in the shadow of the great estate - and privileged way of life - that was once her family's birthright....
THE ABDUCTIONDominic Alistair, Marquis of Vidal is a bad lot a rake and seducer, reckless, heedless, and possessed of a murderous temper. He is known by friend and foe alike as the "Devil's Cub." Yet as the handsome and wealthy heir to a Dukedom, he...
Left destitute by the death of her father, and having unsuccessfully tried the career of governess, Katherine Malvern (Kate) seeks refuge with her old Nurse, Sarah, now the wife of a carrier, Joe Nidd. Sarah, Joe, and Joe's father Josiah, with...