Jocelyn Fleming was a feisty, flame-haired aristocrat -- newly widowed after a shockingly brief marriage to an elderly British lord. Wealthy and titled, yet aching with the pain of unexplored desire, her restless heart led her from polite London...
With her reputation forever tarnished by a youthful indiscretion, lovely Emily Faringdon is resigned to a life of spinsterhood, until she embarks on an unusual correspondence and finds herself falling head over heals in love. Sensitive,...
With her reputation forever tarnished by a youthful indiscretion, lovely Emily Faringdon is resigned to a life of spinsterhood, until she embarks on an unusual correspondence and finds herself falling head over heals in love. Sensitive,...
**From Christi Caldwell – *Only for Her Honor
When Captain Lucas Rayne returned from fighting Boney’s forces, he was a shell of the man he’d been--until Eve Ormond begins work in his household. Desperate for new beginnings, Eve conceals...
Can a pirate learn that the only true treasure lies in a woman's heart?
Widowed Silence Hollingbrook is impoverished, lovely, and kind--and nine months ago she made a horrible mistake. She went to a river pirate for help in saving her husband...
How can an honorable lady like Lady Catriona Hennessy unite with a rake like Richard Cynster? Though charmed by his commanding presence, she cannot give up her independence. Marriage had not previously been on Richard's agenda, but perhaps taming...
As a young girl in India, beautiful, high-spirited Susanna Pleydell had first became aware of her special gifts to soothe the sick. But she had sacrificed that calling when she married the dashing and sophisticated Aubrey St. Clare. When they...
No one sets fire to the page like "New York Times" bestselling author Kat Martin, who takes readers into the opulent world of Regency-era England with novels that shimmer with passion and linger in the heart long after the last page is turned....