The fourth installment in Willig’s Pink Carnation series finds beautiful, ambitious Mary Allsworthy still smarting from her sister Letty’s inadvertent theft of her suitor in The Deception of the Emerald Ring (2007). At the suggestion of the Pink...
There was a fierce war raging abroad, and another in her heart.
While men are fighting overseas in World War I, lovely Laura Mitchell is caught up in the struggle for women’s rights in the Washington, D. C. of 1918. Dismayed by her...
The first time Rainey Adams meets Texas Ranger Travis McMurray, she steals a kiss-and then his horse. Now Travis is determined to track down this intriguing woman and bring her back to the Whispering Mountain Ranch as his bride. But this renegade...
The return of Heather Graham's historical trilogy has been on readers' wish lists for a long time This second novel follows the August publication of Dark Stranger and continues the story of the Slater brothers who discover the importance of...
The mysteries of twin sister Dorabella's disappearance solved, Violette Denver finally has her chance at happiness. She must pursue her destiny in romantic, dangerous wartime...
With her reputation forever tarnished by a youthful indiscretion, lovely Emily Faringdon is resigned to a life of spinsterhood, until she embarks on an unusual correspondence and finds herself falling head over heals in love. Sensitive,...
Hester MacDaniel is recovering from an engagement gone awry by summering at her brother's holding in the Highlands, and looking after her brother's young step-daughter, Fiona.
Tiberius Flynn, heir to the English Marquis of Quinworth,...
Arabella Tolsworthy
Against the background of an England torn by civil war, religious persecution, and political treachery in the turbulent era of Cromwell and the Stuart Restoration, Philippa Carr has set the passionate story of Arabella...
An epic journey of love and discovery from the national bestselling author of The Russian Concubine and The Red Scarf.
China, 1929. For years Lydia Ivanova believed her father was killed by the Bolsheviks. But when she learns he is imprisoned in...