Wilder Harding is a bloodhound, created by the Guild to hunt down and kill vampires on America’s frontier. His enhanced abilities come with a high price: on the full moon, he becomes capable of savagery beyond telling, while the new moon brings a...
Set in opulent 19th-century France, here is the epic tale of Rafael Whitbourne, the Duke of Candover, and beautiful spy Countess Magda Janos. United to uncover a court assassination, Rafael is shocked to learn that Magda is a woman he loved 15...
From the halls of a palatial prison to the hot sands of an endless desert...Here is a timeless story of love and adventure set among hills of gold, warring tribes, and fabled kingdoms—the story of a fearless princess and a barbarian sheikh....She...
Simon Quinn can have any woman he wants, but he prefers them jaded, worldly, and free of illusions. His life is one of danger and temporary pleasures. An Irish commoner, he has nothing more than his expertise as a lover and mercenary to recommend...
When bold, beautiful Lady Christina Delafield discovered her overbearing grandfather planned to tame her at a Swiss finishing school, Christina stowed away on the first ship leaving London harbor, determined to make her own way in life. But the...
Hester MacDaniel is recovering from an engagement gone awry by summering at her brother's holding in the Highlands, and looking after her brother's young step-daughter, Fiona.
Tiberius Flynn, heir to the English Marquis of Quinworth,...
One Pink Rose
Headstrong Travis takes a journey that opens his eyes to the splendor of his beloved West—and his heart to Bostonian Emily Finnegan.
One White Rose
Steady and quiet, Douglas will do anything to protect a creature in...