This classic romance novel tells the true story of the love affair that changed history that of Katherine Swynford and John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, the ancestors of most of the British royal family. Set in the vibrant 14th century of Chaucer...
An epic journey of love and discovery from the national bestselling author of The Russian Concubine and The Red Scarf.
China, 1929. For years Lydia Ivanova believed her father was killed by the Bolsheviks. But when she learns he is imprisoned in...
Renard, Lord of the Ravenstow estate and Crusader knight returns from Antioch, but he does not return alone. He brings with him a mistress, Olwen, a beautiful but untrustworthy dancing girl. Renard has returned home because of his father's ill...
Young Lady Helen was always getting into trouble, but her motives were always noble: she wanted only to help the deserving in matters of money, or affairs of the heart.
Unfortunately, one small fib added to another small fib soon resulted in...
The mysteries of twin sister Dorabella's disappearance solved, Violette Denver finally has her chance at happiness. She must pursue her destiny in romantic, dangerous wartime...
News of Thomas a Becket's martyrdom has spread throughout Christendom and the blame is laid at the feet of Henry Plantagenet, King of England. Two years later, with Becket canonised, Henry's position is precarious: punished at the Pope's insistence...
The life of Daniel McLain, reverend of a small Texas town, is disrupted when his children's nanny leaves and he is forced to ask for help from his late wife's cousin, who not only helps to care for the children, but also helps to mend his broken...
Chloe wasn't expecting a warm welcome, after all, her new guardian was a total stranger. But when Sir Hugo strode into Denholm Manor after a night of carousing and discovered he'd been saddled with a ward, he soon made it clear he wanted nothing...