The story of how Alexander the Great conquered the world - first crushing Greek resistance to Macedonian rule, then destroying the Persian Empire in three monumental battles, before marching into the unknown and final victory in India - is a...
In the year 354 A.D., Julian, a sheltered scholar and pacifist, lives in peace until a summons from the Emperor Constantius changes the young man's life forever. Dispatched to Gaul to help reclaim a beaten Roman territory from German barbarians,...
In the fourth book of the Nicholas Ramage series Lieutenant Lord Ramage, expert seafarer and adventurer, undertakes to escort a convoy across the Caribbean. This seemingly routine task leads him into a series of dramatic and terrifying...
In the fourth book of the Nicholas Ramage series Lieutenant Lord Ramage, expert seafarer and adventurer, undertakes to escort a convoy across the Caribbean. This seemingly routine task leads him into a series of dramatic and terrifying...
In 1588 the Spanish Armada had been defeated in the English Channel and the whole of Elizabethan England was alert for the revenge that surely had to follow.
Men like John Killigrew, commanding a key position on the Cornish coast, were vital to...
A fusion of Steven Pressfield's Gates of Fire and the movie Braveheart; a novel of ancient warfare, lethal politics, and the final great clash of Roman and Celtic culture.
For three centuries, the stone barrier we know as Hadrian's Wall shielded...
From America's master storyteller and writer of historical fiction comes the dramatic conclusion to the North and South saga. The Civil War has ended, but the Hazards and Mains have yet to face their greatest struggles. Even as the embers of old...