Half-brothers and blood enemies Manfred de la Rey and Shasa Courtney, the sons of Centaine de Thiry-Courtney, are irrevocably caught up in an age-old and savage war to seize the sword of power in their land. The Power of the Sword follows them...
Nineteen-year-old David Crawfurd travels from Scotland to South Africa to work as a storekeeper. On the voyage he encounters again John Laputa, the celebrated Zulu minister, of whom he has strange memories.
In his remote store David finds...
Captain Alatriste, Madrid’s most charismatic swashbuckler, returns in Pérez-Reverte’s acclaimed international bestseller. The fearless Alatriste is hired to infiltrate a convent and rescue a young girl forced to serve as a powerful...
In 1465 the Scottish Quentin Durward set of to France, because the Duke of Burgundy wants that countess Isabelle marries with Durward's uncle. Once there he himself falls in love with Isabelle, no much interested in the quarrel between the Duke...
In 1465 the Scottish Quentin Durward set of to France, because the Duke of Burgundy wants that countess Isabelle marries with Durward's uncle. Once there he himself falls in love with Isabelle, no much interested in the quarrel between the Duke...
In the second half of the twentieth century, the future bears down on Africa--fueled by the sins of the past and the blood feuds of nations, tribes, and families. For the Courtney family, who have known this continent from the depths of its gold...